Here at Harvest, we value authentic connection and love doing life together. We meet in smaller groups throughout the week to connect beyond a Sunday service.
We are families of believers meeting together every second Friday. We all have children, from young to teens. We try escape the chaos of busy family life and spend time with God and each other, learning together, leaning on each other and praying together.
We are blessed to have a Life Group made up of diverse members from all over Africa. We truly do LIFE together, encouraging and supporting passionate hearts, creating safe spaces to have fun, to learn and grow, and build valuable relationships that creates a deeper sense of belonging.
We have a diverse group made up of people from different backgrounds, cultures and age groups, the youngest member in their 20’s and the oldest in their 60’s. This group focuses less on structure and more on relationships, community, mutual edification and being a safe place for vulnerability to happen. We have married and single people as well as families with kids.
We are a group of Young Adults who are passionate about seeing God move in our city and nation. Our heart for this group is to build life-long friendships, create unforgettable memories and inspire each other to live a life of purpose. Bring your friends and get ready to dive deeper into the Word!
The KingsMen is a group for guys between the ages of 13 to 20 years old. We go over the word, topics we face in schools and end off in a game of football to add some fun into the mix.
We have called our group the Revival group as it is centered around living out the heart of Jesus. From ministry trips to prayer evenings, we believe that the spirit of Revival exists right here, right now through love, laughter, kindness and encouragement. Our current age group of members is from 20 – 40’s however all ages are welcome.
We are a group of late middle-aged to more senior people that are passionate about God and his word.
We are an older but physically active Group, who have journeyed together with each other over many years. We each take turns to host and lead the meeting.
We are a senior group of men and women that meet every second week. We have a time of prayer and worship and then we study the word together. We also have guest speakers share from time to time.
As a church, we believe in the power of prayer and so there are prayer meetings held throughout the week.
We host a Corporate Prayer meeting every Thursday at 6:15pm. All are welcome to join.
Every Friday morning, we meet at Harvest at 6am for a time of prayer in the parents room. This group is open for men and women and focusses on praying into local ministry, missions, as well as for our city and nation.
Every Tuesday morning, a group of men gather at church for discussion and prayer. We meet at 6.45am-8am at Harvest in an office upstairs.