We are a community of believers that belong to a family of churches across the world. We are from different walks of life, made up of different cultures, ages and backgrounds, all united with this passion: to see His Kingdom come.
Richard & Tanya serve on the pastoral team. Richard has been part of the eldership team since 2017. Tanya is the Headmistress of Seedlings Pre-School.
Robin & Marilyn are elders in our community. Robin serves as chairman of our finance team & Marilyn heads up our counselling department and pastors our lifegroup leaders. They have been apart of Harvest since 2004.
Patrick & Carol are elders in our community & have served on our ministry team since 2010.
Anthony & Desiré are apart of leading & serving our worship community. They have been apart of Harvest for 20 years.
Justin & Menesha are apart of our ministry & counseling team. Justin holds an organizational role within the church. They have been apart of Harvest since 2009.
Collin & Sheryl faithfully serve on our ministry team & our marriage counseling team. They have been apart of Harvest since 1992.
Gerald & Claudia love the community & serve on our hospitality & ministry teams. They have been apart of Harvest since 2017.
Stuart & Linda are apart of our ministry and equipping teams. They have been apart of Harvest for 5 years.
God is extravagantly generous and as a community, we strive to reflect His generosity in every area of our lives.
Honour recognises and affirms that every person has value, is made in God’s image and is to be treated with dignity.
As a community, we aren’t afraid of mess and value being real in our relationship with God and with others. We strive to live lives that are truthful, integrous and transparent.
Jesus promised that signs would follow believers and that we would do even greater works than He did while on earth. We value and make room for the Holy Spirit to move in power.
We are called to be courageous believers that step out in faith to see God’s Kingdom released on the earth. Whether we fail or succeed, we celebrate taking bold steps of faith.
As we are adopted into God’s family, we intentionally create family and community wherever we go.
Harvest Church is part of Church Of The Nations, a family of churches advancing the Kingdom of God across the world. We are part of Freedom Hill under the leadership of Louis and Edna Els from Victory Church, Jeffrey’s Bay.
There is a church plant from Harvest Umhlanga called Harvest Amaoti which is led by Derrick Gumede and his team. They meet on Sundays in the Amaoti area.
We believe that the scriptures of the Old and New Testaments were given by inspiration of the Holy Spirit and that only they constitute the Divine Rule of Christian faith and practice.
We believe there is only one God, who is infinitely perfect, the Creator, Preserver and Governor of all things and who is the only proper Object of worship.
We believe there are three Persons in the Godhead: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit; undivided in essence and co-equal in power and glory.
We believe that Jesus Christ was God made manifest in the flesh, truly and properly God and truly and properly man, and that He by His suffering and death made atonement for sin, and that by His resurrection there is eternal life for all who believe in Him.
We believe that since the fall of our first parent’s man is entirely unable in his own strength to find salvation and reconciliation with God and that he is wholly dependent upon God’s grace and mercy.
We believe that salvation, by God’s grace, depends upon repentance, faith in God, cleansing by the shed blood of Jesus, and regeneration by the Holy Spirit.
We believe that baptism in water is a personal and dynamic meeting with God and a sign of the believer’s death, burial and resurrection in Christ Jesus.
We believe it is the privilege of all believers, in response to the command of God’s Word, to receive the power of the Holy Spirit to live holy and victorious lives, and that the Holy Spirit operates through gifts, ministries and manifestations to glorify Jesus through His Body to the world.
We believe that Jesus Christ, at the time of His ascension into Heaven, where He now sits at the right hand of the Father, gifted the Church with living ministry expressions of Himself through apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers, for the building of the Body of Christ and the equipping of the believers to the work of service.
We believe that neither ritual, nor tradition, ceremony, nor rite can replace conversion, relationship with God, or true worship, and that nothing less than the Lordship of Christ upon a life is the mark of a Christian.
We believe in the continuance of the Lord’s Supper, consisting of the elements of bread and the fruit of the vine, as instituted by Jesus with His disciples, so that we may truly discern the Body of Christ in its totality, unity, and authority, and that this celebration stands as a memorial of Christ’s suffering and death and as a prophecy of His coming, and as such is commanded to all His followers until that Day.
We believe in the physical, triumphant return of Jesus Christ to an overcoming and glorious Church.
We believe it is the Commission of the Church to go into the whole world to preach the gospel of the Kingdom and to extend the Kingdom of God, knowing that “this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached to the whole world for a witness to all nations, and then shall the end come.”